DIY Car Caddy Organizer (Free Pattern)

diy car organizer basket caddy

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Need more storage space in your car? Learn how I made this cute mini sized car caddy to organize my odds and ends while looking adorable!

My minivan doesn’t have a center console, which has been driving me slightly crazy when I want to place a cord or scrunchie somewhere close without it sliding all over the floor….

I didn’t need something huge, and I still wanted floor space to put my purse, so I came up with this ADORABLE mini sized little caddy basket! It has straps on both sides which allow it to be fasted to the seats on either side to keep it in place!

You could totally add a zipper to the top, or alter the dimensions to make it bigger, or even add dividers or pockets! This pattern though, is just the basic cute little version I made today.

Let’s make it!

car caddy organizer

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Supplies Needed

  • 15″x15″ square of two complimentary cotton fabrics, for interior and exterior of caddy
  • 15″15″ square of heavy weight interfacing to give the basket some body. (I used a sew-in stabilizer, since that is what I had on hand. You can use iron on, or whatever you wish. )
  • 2 – 3″x30″ strips of cotton for the straps
  • 4 – 1.5″ metal d-rings (Like these or similar)
  • Iron and Ironing board
  • Matching thread
  • Sewing Pins, scissors, etc.
Car organizer basket with waterbottle

How To Make A Car Organizer Caddy

Prefer to watch the video? My video tutorial for this post is now available on YouTube!

Step 1. Cut Out Fabric

Cut out two pieces of fabric for the interior and exterior of your caddy basket, each should be 15″x15″ in size. Also cut out a 15″x15″ square of interfacing/stabilizer.

fabric squares cut out

Also cut out two strips that are 3″x30″ in size for the straps.

Step 2. Make The Straps

Fold the straps in half lengthwise with the right sides together, and pin them down the long edge.

fold and Pin strap lengthwise

Then, sew down the raw edge with a 3/8ths inch seam allowance.

Turn the straps right side out with your favorite turning method. I used a large safety pin, attached it to one layer of one short side of the strap, then inserted it inside the strap and fed it through. Then, pull it out the other side to turn the strap.

Press the straps with your iron.

Iron the straps

Then sew a top stitch down both long sides with a 1/8ths inch seam allowance.

top stitch the straps

Then set the straps aside for now!

Step 3. Sew The Basket

Place one of the squares (it doesn’t matter which) onto the table and fold it in half, with the right sides together.

fold fabric in half

Pin and sew down both short sides with a 3/8ths seam allowance, leaving the top open.

pin the side edges and sew

Next, place the stabilizer down, with the second square on top of it, with the wrong side of the fabric facing the stabilizer, (or, iron the interfacing to the back of your fabric if that is the kind you have), then fold both pieces in half together, pin, and sew down the sides the same way you did with the first square piece.

folding stabilizer and fabric together in half

“Stand” the sewn fabric up on the folded edge, and bring the top edge of the two side seam together to meet. Then push them down flat to fold it into a diamond shape. Try to align both sides evenly so the seams are lined up.

fold basket into a diamond

Measure 2 inches in from both side corners (the corners with the seam) and mark a vertical line. You can pin across the line if you wish.

measure two inches in from corner

Sew down the line you marked, then trim away the excess fabric on the outside of the seam by clipping off the corner.

clip off excess fabric from corner

When you have sewn both corners, you will be able to open up the basket and shape it into a rectangle.

Basket taking shape

Repeat this step with both pieces until you have two basket shapes.

Step 4. Hem The Basket

Align the two basket pieces together with the wrong sides touching, so one is on the inside and one on the outside. Pin around the top edge.

Sew around the top perimeter of the basket with a 3/8ths seam allowance. Then, fold the top edge over towards the outside of the bag, twice, and pin it in place.

Sew around the fold to hem the top edge.

fold and sew top edge

Step 5. Attach The D Rings & Straps

Slide two d rings onto one end of a strap. Fold the end of the strap over twice half an inch, and pin it to itself to surround the d rings.

place d rings on strap

Position the strap onto the short side of the basket along the seam line, and pin it in place.

pin strap to basket organizer

Then, sew a vertical line through the folded strap layers to attach it to the basket. Now the d rings will stick out on one side, and the long strap on the other side.

To hem the other end of the strap, fold it over twice half an inch, and sew along the fold.

Repeat with the other strap.

Then, you are done!

completed basket caddy car organizer with straps

To use your basket caddy, you can place it on the floor between seats or under or behind a seat, and use the side straps to hold it to a safe part of the seat or car so it doesn’t slide or fly around.

car caddy organizer on car floor with waterbottle

I hope you liked this post and I can’t wait to see what customizations you come up with!

DIY car organizer

Pin this to Pinterest if it helped you, and as always leave a comment if you need help.

mini car caddy free pattern

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