DIY Fabric Pacifier Clips

Fabric pacifier clips

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Fabric pacifier clips are so easy and fun to make, you can make a whole matching set in no time to match many outfits!

I was convinced I was having a baby boy this summer, so I made some boy-colored pacifier clips.

Well… It was a girl! So I went back to my sewing machine to make a whole bunch more in cute floral cotton fabrics.

Before you start, here are a few more of my baby sewing patterns!

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fabric binky clips with pink pacifier


  • 3″x8″ Cotton fabric (quilting material is perfect!)
  • 5″ long ribbon- 1/8″ thick. You can also use cord or strong string
  • Suspender clips (here are some ideas. you might also find plain ones in a craft store)
  • Sewing Pins

How To Make A Pacifier Clip

DIY pacifier clip pinterest pin

Step 1. Make The Band

Cut a piece of cotton fabric into a strip 3″x8″. Also cut a 5″ length of 1/8″ ribbon, or you can use cord or string.

cut piece of cotton fabric and ribbon

Fold the fabric in half lengthwise to make a center crease.

fold fabric in half

Fold the ribbon in half, and align the raw edges 1/4″ away from the center crease. Pin them in place.

pin ribbon to band

Fold the fabric in half again, and sew around the short end with the ribbon, and the long edge, with a 1/2 inch seam allowance.

sew around band

Trim off the corner without cutting through the seam.

clipping corner of pacifier clip

Step 2. Turn and Stitch The Band

Use your fingers to poke the ribbon-end of the band into itself.

turn inside out pacifier clip

Then insert the end of a blunt object like the back of a pen or your scissors (carefully), and push the band right side out.

turning the pacifier clip right side out

Carefully use the point of a pen or your closed scissors to poke the corners out.

Press the band either with your fingers or an iron.

press the pacifier clip

Sew a topstitch around the perimeter of the band with a 1/8th” seam allowance.

close up of top stitching

Step 3. Attach The Suspender Clip

Slip the end of the band through the ring on the suspender clip and pull it through about 1.5 inches or so.

inserting end of band into suspender clip

Fold the edge of the band down 1/2 an inch, then lay it over the ring and pin it to the other side.

hemming pacifier clip

Sew along the folded hem to make a loop around the suspender clip and attach it.

topstitch hem

Then you are done!

completed pacifier clip

I made this binky clip for my sister in law, and I made a bunch for myself. I like to have one for the car, one for my purse, one for the house, etc!

set of DIY binky pacifier clips with wood clips

If you liked this tutorial, pin it to pinterest! Feel free to ask me any questions you have.

I also have a video version of this tutorial if you prefer to watch it in action:

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